
Wednesday, July 27, 2011


      Well we have made some decisions around here lately. Two of them are major. We are definitely moving out of our current home and city. Staying in the same state for now but we all agreed we would like to move out of state eventually. Hubby wants Florida and the older girls and I would prefer South Carolina. Soooooo. We've got some time to figure all that out. The other major decision is that we are going to do school at home this year. I really can't call it homeschooling because it is online public school. The older girls both want to do school at home because they don't want to begin the school year at one school and change in the middle of the year and they really haven't liked it here since we moved here 3 years ago. Since my oldest will be in the 10th grade this year I am really worried that I will mess up her education if I don't go the virtual school route and since that is the way I am trying with her than I decided to give it a go for the other two as well. If we decide we don't like it they can go back to regular school when we move, and if they like it we will continue with it. Then maybe after I get some time under my belt with working with them at home and do a lot more research on homeschooling, attend some conferences and what not, then I can start to make some other curriculum choices on my own with some confidence.
     Our county fair is going on this week. We took the whole family to opening day. The oldest 2 girls were taught a sampling of weaving rugs. The lady that was showing them was so sweet to do that and they just thought it was the coolest thing. They told her they knew how to knit and she told them that was to hard and she couldn't do that. They got a big kick out of that. Of course the teenager is going to the fair again today and tomorrow to hang out with friends. I remember being a teenager and the county fair. It was always such a huge deal to go every day. I see not that much has changed.
      I have finally been able to harvest some stuff form the garden. A few cherry tomatoes that, lets face it didn't even make it into the house they were so yummy, 1 cubanelle pepper, and some collards. Not much but it's more than last year. Well until next time God bless.

Monday, July 11, 2011

It's Been A While

      Things have been rather busy around here so I haven't had much time to get onto the computer other than to check out coupon deals and such. The weekend of the 4th was a fun time. We had a cookout with family saw fireworks and then the day after we took the kids to Cedar Point. They had a blast. My little man still wasn't big enough for majority of the rides. There were quite a few "big" rides he could've rode but he just wasn't ready yet. He stuck with all the kiddie rides and had a ball. The big girls got to ride tons of rides with Daddy. I rode the Millennium Force with them and ended up waking up the next 3 days with no voice from screaming so hard. I am so glad I only rode one ride. I must be getting older because the last time we were there 5 years ago I still had a very fun time riding all the big roller coasters. This time after one I was done. Lightheaded and worn out from one ride. I felt like a wimp. But I enjoyed watching the kids having such a good time with their Dad. The biggest shock of the whole experience was my 9 month old baby girl. She was an angel the whole day. We had never before taken a little one with us to an amusement park. Before Grandma would keep the little one with her. However this little precious has still yet to leave Mommy's side. She is the first one I have been able to breast feed so where I go she goes. She also still doesn't take to people outside our family unit. She breaks the hearts of all her Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles because she won't let any of them hold her. One of these days she'll be ready.
      Hubby's work has picked up some finally so he has been gone a lot. We sure do miss him when we don't get to see him much. I read over on another blog a while ago about respecting your husband and how the bible doesn't say "if he does this or that". I have to say I have tried and have failed miserably to do a much better job of respecting my Husband. I did always look at it like " well he did this or he didn't do that or he treated me this way" and on and on. I am trying to change the way I look at it and respecting him no matter what and I have to say this is probably one of the biggest challenges I have faced. We have had some very trying times in our marriage, who hasn't really, and I think this has caused me to harden my heart a lot more than I knew. I have also realized that my girls aren't showing him much respect either. It has me wondering if they are picking it all up from me. So I am going to be spending more time praying on this matter and would love it if y'all would throw me in your prayers as well. Sometimes I wonder if my Husband's actions are God's way of testing me with this area. That it's me who needs to change some things and not him. So I will be working diligently on this for a while and hopefully it will become second nature.
      I hope y'all had wonderful Independence Day's with your loved ones. Until next time God bless.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Summer Days

         Summer is definitely in full swing. Today was my oldest daughter's last day of her summer gym class. I know she is extremely happy that she is now officially done with gym class for the rest of her life. She is celebrating by spending the night at a friends house tonight. As my oldest has completed something in her life, my youngest has begun a few new things in hers. My 9 month old precious baby girl is now crawling. And of course that means that she is now keeping me constantly on my toes. Oh how I wish they didn't grow so quickly. She has also begun to feed herself finally although I still can't get her to eat any baby food. She does love cheerios and any real food that I may be eating.

         Today the youngest three and I went on a walk/bike/big wheel ride. I walked, my son rode the big wheel, and my middle girl rode her bike. It was a quick mile and a half on a bike trail but it was an enjoyable time. Even the baby had a good time riding in her stroller. I think she enjoyed the scenery. It left me realizing how much my 10 year old has grown. She is way to big for her bike, so big in fact that her knees were hitting the handlebars. Hopefully the Lord will put a bike in our path for her soon. She was a trooper and didn't complain much about it, she just enjoyed the opportunity to be on a bike. I also got to thinking about my son and the fact that he was riding a big wheel instead of a bike. I'm hoping that the Hubby and I can get my sons bike in good enough shape to take up there and get busy on helping him learn how to ride a bike soon. His big sisters all learned at his age.

         I am in serious need of a swift kick in the tush to get my yard sale in gear. I have been procrastinating for quite some time. Truth is I have never had much luck whenever I've had one before and I am not looking forward to another potential failure. If we weren't in such need of some extra income I would just give it all to Goodwill. I just need to get the family involved in helping me and just doing it. On a positive note our garden is doing better this year than in the previous summers since moving here. So it looks like we may actually be able to harvest something this year. I hope y'all will have a safe and memorable July 4th weekend. Until next time, God bless.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


      Summer days are in full swing at our house. My oldest is taking her gym class right now to get it out of the way and she will have high school gym complete. So for the next 2 1/2 weeks the weekdays will be spent planned around taking her and picking her up. I still haven't started my yard sale preparations. Procrastination is getting the best of me. There always seems like there is so much to do and not enough time to do it. I read all of these other blogs with schedules and I've tried to make a schedule for my home but it never seems to stick. To be honest I probably don't try to make it work as hard as I could. I just need to eventually buckle down and get busy.
      I have been a stay at home mom now for 5 years. I've spent most of that time just going about my days without much structure other than making lunch for the kids to take to school, cooking dinner, and doing my best at keeping up with the house.In the last year I have started to desire to become a much better housewife  for my husband and my children. I have struggled with the desire to home school my children but have so many fears that go along with that. My 15 year old has no desire to be home schooled and I feel I would ruin the rest of the schooling she has left if I tried to start with her now. My 10 year old is so very difficult to deal with  when she doesn't understand something and I feel that I would also damage her education if I attempted to home school her. I don't feel much support from my husband in this area either, and am also worried that we will not be able to afford the things necessary to give them a good education at home and that it will make an already difficult financial time even harder. So this is something I continue to pray about and hope to be able to decide soon what to do.Any advice in this area would be a blessing. Until next time, God bless.


Friday, June 10, 2011

Stormy Weather

      We are getting some much needed rain today. Our garden was looking a little thirsty. Watering with the hose only does so much. I am so hoping that our garden does well this year as we haven't had any luck at all for the past 2 summers. Before moving here we always had a fantastic garden and it has been terribly missed. I can't wait to eat that first tomato straight off the vine. That was one of my favorite things to do as a child whenever we'd have a garden, so it brings back good childhood memories.
       The kids are all finally out of school for the summer making our house pretty noisy and busy, which I am loving. I'm trying to get us all in gear to get everything ready for a yard sale. I think I'm gonna try to have a continuous yard sale all summer until I get rid of as much as possible and then donate what I can't. Money is really tight right now or I would just give it all away but we need some extra income desperately. I know there are many many families in the same situation, it seems to be happening to so many. We are really gonna try to downsize on our possessions this summer, as I feel the Lord pulling on me to do that. I feel like he's telling me to just be ready to pick up and go if need be and to not have anything holding us back. I'm not sure what that means but I am trying to listen to the Lord. I know we will be moving soon and aren't sure where we're going yet, but I don't think that's all it is. At the same time that I am feeling a pull to downsize possessions, I am also feeling a pull to stock up on food and necessities. My husband still looks at me like I'm crazy for feeling like things are going to get worse and I need to have us prepared. But being prepared is the responsible thing to do for a mother of 4. I think underneath he gets it though or else he wouldn't be admiring my growing supply of necessities.
      My baby girl is growing so fast. It seems like we just brought her home from the hospital. She already has 2 teeth and she's learning to crawl. I wish I could just slow the time down for all of them. My oldest will be a sophomore next year, my 2nd oldest will be in her last year of elementary school, and my son will be starting kindergarten. My goodness how time flies.We definitely have to cherish the time we have with them in our homes because they are grown and gone before we know it. Okay the tears are starting to well up in my eyes thinking about that so I better stop for today. Until next time, God bless.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


There are definitely many challenges and struggles in life. Some are tougher to get through than others. Our family is dealing with one of those extremely tough times right now. We've been through worse before so I know we will be alright. I just wanted to ask for the prayers of those of you reading this. Just that God will show us the right path we should be following and to help keep our spirits uplifted through it all. Thanks so much and until next time, God bless.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Standing With Israel

I am having a hard time witnessing what is taking place in our world today as far with Israel. I believe we are on the verge of a modern day Holocaust. If people would look back on history they would realize that the hatred of Jews by high ranking individuals in groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood goes back to the Holocaust directly and earlier. There is an unbelievable amount of hate spewing out of the mouths of religious leaders and others in the Middle East in their speeches and on television and even in children's programs. I urge anyone reading my blog to educate yourselves on what is going on. A place you can begin researching is on   I am not telling you to become a Glenn Beck listener or fan or to take him at his word even. What I am doing is trying to get the word out to others about the injustice that is happening to Israel and the Jews again. Do your own research and decide for yourself is what Glenn Beck always says. In full disclosure I am a Glenn Beck fan and I have been since 9/11/2001 and I believe what he says about to not stand is to stand. Please tell your friends and neighbors to pay attention to what is happening in our world before it is to late to do anything.  I know that I just began this blog and this is only my third entry and if anyone does begin to read this they might choose not to read any more because of this post. Quite frankly if that's the case I 'd rather those folks not read my blog anyway. I pray that God will speak to your heart as you read this post and that He will encourage you to stand. God Bless.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Fun

We had a great time today at an ice cream festival. It was hot hot hot outside but it was a good day of walking around looking at all kinds of creative things that people have made and just enjoying each others company. We were planning on staying home and smoking a turkey but I think getting out was good for all of us. Even the baby seemed to enjoy it. Life seems so stressful lately that we all needed to have fun and sort of recharge. But let me not forget what this holiday is really meant for and that is to stop and remember those that have given there lives so that my family and I could have the freedom to enjoy the day we had together. Thank you to all the fallen men and women who have so selflessly given there lives for my freedom. And thank you also to their families for the sacrifice that they have made as well. Until next time, God bless.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

First time for everything.

For a while now I have been viewing some other folks blogs and have thought of creating my own. A year later I am finally doing just that. I don't expect to ever have anyone reading this blog, I just thought it would be a nice place to get out my thoughts, gripes, and all that goes along with being a Mom of four children. I have a dd15, dd10, ds5, and dd8months. I absolutely love staying at home with my little ones. It is an adventure to say the least. I am in awe of the times we are living in, there are so many absolutely unbelievable things taking place. Some things are very scary and other things are amazingly good. It is going to take some time for me to get my blog where I would like it to be so if there is anyone reading this please don't abandon me just yet. Hopefully I'll get the hang of it sometime soon. Until next time, God Bless