
Wednesday, June 15, 2011


      Summer days are in full swing at our house. My oldest is taking her gym class right now to get it out of the way and she will have high school gym complete. So for the next 2 1/2 weeks the weekdays will be spent planned around taking her and picking her up. I still haven't started my yard sale preparations. Procrastination is getting the best of me. There always seems like there is so much to do and not enough time to do it. I read all of these other blogs with schedules and I've tried to make a schedule for my home but it never seems to stick. To be honest I probably don't try to make it work as hard as I could. I just need to eventually buckle down and get busy.
      I have been a stay at home mom now for 5 years. I've spent most of that time just going about my days without much structure other than making lunch for the kids to take to school, cooking dinner, and doing my best at keeping up with the house.In the last year I have started to desire to become a much better housewife  for my husband and my children. I have struggled with the desire to home school my children but have so many fears that go along with that. My 15 year old has no desire to be home schooled and I feel I would ruin the rest of the schooling she has left if I tried to start with her now. My 10 year old is so very difficult to deal with  when she doesn't understand something and I feel that I would also damage her education if I attempted to home school her. I don't feel much support from my husband in this area either, and am also worried that we will not be able to afford the things necessary to give them a good education at home and that it will make an already difficult financial time even harder. So this is something I continue to pray about and hope to be able to decide soon what to do.Any advice in this area would be a blessing. Until next time, God bless.



  1. I don't currently homeschool, although I do some light homeschooling with my son during the summer months. I am in prayer about it though and anticipate the Lord may lead me that way.
    My brother and SIL stepped out in faith to homeschool their high school aged daughters when the path looked difficult to them. They later said they wished they had begun homeschooling them earlier and that it was an absolutely wonderful choice for their family. One daughter is in college and the other is a college grad.
    I do believe it is important for you and your husband to be like minded about homeschooling. It seems to me that most people have to step out in faith and trust the Lord in their efforts.
    Blessings to you.............Denise

  2. Thank you so much Denise. I am trying to start working with my older 2 now with History. There is so much that they haven't been taught that I feel is important for them to learn. I think that until I can get my Husband to come on board this will probably be the route I take. I will continue to pray on it and see where the Lord takes me. Again thank you, for taking the time to not only read my posts but to also comment. God bless.
